Love, Joy, Peace...

You can also submit Prayer Requests by texting the keyword PRAYER to 205.642.8744 or emailing them to

To add a prayer below, click ADD PRAYER. Your prayer request will automatically be posted to this prayer wall below, as well as emailed to anyone who has clicked the WATCH button to get new posted prayer requests emailed to them. You can also click WATCH to get notified of NEW prayer requests in your email. If you currently get a text, you will still get a text. While reading the prayer requests, click the AMEN! button to show that you are praying for this prayer need.

If you want your prayer request to be PRIVATE between you and Pastor Andy ONLY, please text or call him at the church at 205.642.8744 ext 101 or you can leave a message at ext 107 as well.

When viewing the Prayer Requests, keep scrolling to the end of the listings.